An additional service at no extra cost is the roof inspection. Once the debris is cleared from the roof and gutters, we sometimes find a hole, missing shingle, or a vent pipe in need of re-caulking.

If it can be simply fixed, we will do so at no extra charge. If it is something more major, we will generally offer a temporary solution to buy time for a professional roofer to fit your home into their schedule. WE ARE BY NO MEANS PROFESSIONAL ROOFERS- However, when our techs are walking on the roof, they do notice issues that would not be seen from the ground.
If and when an issue is found, the tech will:
1-take pictures 2- offer a temporary solution 3- report findings to the customer
This service, which often renders no special issues to report can be very valuable to a homeowner that would otherwise only notice a roof issue once water has saturated drywall.